Charlotte Rose câștigă o avere după ce a încetat să mai lucreze ca polițistă

O tânără de 27 de ani a renunțat la jobul din Poliție, iar acum câștigă 150.000 de lire sterline pe lună: ”Multe fete sunt șocate!”

Charlotte Rose, o fostă polițistă din Essex, Marea Britanie, reușește să câștige sute de mii de lire sterline și duce un stil de viață excentric, totul devenind posibil după ce a renunțat la jobul ei.

Charlotte Rose a lucrat ca ofițer de poliție timp de un an de zile, însă a considerat că această meserie nu i se potrivește, fiind un domeniu dominat de bărbați. Astfel, fără niciun regret, ea și-a dat demisia. Acum, ea se mândrește cu o avere impresionantă, ce se ridică la 1,3 milioane de lire sterline. În plus, câștigă aproape 150.000 de lire sterline pe lună.

EXCLUSIVE: *NUDITY* Former Police Officer Makes £1.3 Million After Starting �Tame’ Onlyfans Page – Now She’s Living Childhood Dream Driving A £265,000 Lamborghini
EXCLUSIVE: **NO NEW YORK POST OR NEWS CORP USAGES** Former police officer makes £1.3 MILLION after starting �tame’ OnlyFans page – now she’s living childhood dream driving a £265,000 Lamborghini A former police officer is now making up to £150,000 every month after starting an OnlyFans page. Charlotte Rose, 27, from Essex, quit the police force after just one year, finding that she disliked the male-dominated working environment and that the job was ill-suited to her. She started modelling when a friend suggested she come along to a test shoot and pose with glamorous sports cars – including her favourite, Lamborghinis – and she was immediately snapped up as a glamour and lingerie model. Charlotte was invited to join the platform OnlyFans at its inception in 2016 and was one of just 100 women using the site to connect with fans. She kept her content �tame’ and within boundaries she was comfortable with, largely creating role-play scenarios that involved her talking to the camera and interacting with fans – but she didn’t commit much time to the site and didn’t view it as a money-maker. But when the platform started to take off in late 2018, Charlotte decided to take it more seriously and began uploading more regular content, dedicating 14 to 16 hours a day to her OnlyFans presence. Her earnings skyrocketed after a year of earning £10,000 a month, and she now pockets between £115,000 and £150,000 a month. Although she has the means to completely overhaul her lifestyle, Charlotte says she doesn’t even spend 5% of her monthly earnings, choosing instead to invest in property and her Amazon supplements company. She has indulged in just one big-money item – a £265,000 purple Lamborghini that she had had her eye on since childhood. Charlotte is now in the top 0.09% of creators of OnlyFans – which she believes gets a bad reputation due to the high volume of adult stars using the platform. “I always wanted to be a vet growing up and got into Cambridge University but decided to defer my place for a year,” Charlotte told Jam Press. “Someone suggested I look into being a dog handler with the police in that time, so I applied and planned to work my way up. “I passed my qualifications but it became apparent very quickly that it wasn’t for me and the job was very male-dominated. “I knew I could spend 10 years trying to get into the dog unit and it could never even happen, so I quit after one year when I was 20 years old.” Since taking the OnlyFans page she originally created in 2016 more seriously, Charlotte’s popularity skyrocketed – as have her finances. Interestingly, Charlotte believes the key to her success is keeping her content less risqué and letting her own personality shine through rather than creating a saucy alter ego. “Everyone assumes OnlyFans is just porn – which I have nothing against, but personally I don’t do that level of content,” she said. “My page is very tame but it works because I’m niche – so many pages are hardcore but I won’t do that, I like my page to be different. “I’ll roleplay and talk to the camera as if it’s a guy and cover some fantasies, but it’s mostly me talking to them. “It’s personal for me and I’ve built up relationships with a handful of my fans that I talk to daily and know inside out. “I know their children’s names, their job titles and if they’re having a bad day – and when they are, I’ll send a voice-note and some pictures of my dogs to cheer them up. “I have a loyal fan base who tell me they wouldn’t stay on my page if I became more explicit and I do well by being different to everyone else. “Other girls are shocked that I earn as much as I do without doing more on camera.” She also posts on her Instagram accounts; @charlieerose3 and @charlotterose_1993. But Charlotte's good fortune has come at a cost – her social life. “I can’t remember the last day I had off and I work a minimum of 10-12 hours a day taking pictures, answering messages, handling my social media accounts and making content plans,” Charlotte said. “I’ll go out maybe once every six months for a night with the girls, and for the odd dinner, but otherwise I’m at home hustling. “Usually I work 14-16 hours a day, and even if I’m on holiday I’ll do between four and six hours to make sure there is always new content up. “If I take time off then the money doesn’t come in, so I feel the pressure to work all day every day and hit my own self-made targets – it’s a constant battle with myself to do better. “You never know when it’s all going to end so I’m building my business now so I can sit back in a few years and relax. “I invest my money and time into my businesses and will graft working on my laptop until three a.m.” It hasn’t always been that way, and Charlotte recalls the early days of her OnlyFans page. “I was one of the first hundred girls that was approached about it back in 2016, but I’d only put up a picture every few weeks and mostly forgot about it,” she said. “I’d only log on when I remembered, so I wasn’t putting the time in until I saw other girls on Twitter talking about how much money they were making in November 2018. “I’ve always been business-minded so I decided to put more effort in and make a serious go of it. “It went crazy from then on, and in my first month of using it properly I had made 10 times what I would on normal months.” Charlotte earned an average of £1,070 a month before she kicked things up a notch, and in November she turned over an impressive £10,000. Her earnings stayed steady around that number for a year before they started to rise again. “It felt like a bit of a competition with the others girls because everyone wants to get into the top percentage of creators on OnlyFans,” Charlotte explained. “You start to lose all concept of money when you’re earning that much because it just appears as numbers on the screen. “I now make between £115,000 to £150,000 a month – but I don’t think it will increase now as I won’t be changing the type of content I provide.” Despite her incredible earnings, Charlotte insists her lifestyle has not dramatically changed, and her only huge indulgence has been purchasing the car of her dreams – a purple Lamborghini. “When I was a little girl I used to say one day I’d have a purple Lamborghini but no one believes kids when they say that sort of thing. “Test-driving it made me feel like I was on top of the world, but it feels more normal for me now. “It was a really proud moment when I collected it – and I took my parents with me as they still don’t quite believe how much I earn. “But I don’t even spend 5% of what I make in a month – I just take enough money to pay for my cars and mortgage, and the rest stays in my business account.” Earning so much online has enabled Charlotte to start her own business selling supplements on Amazon. She started the company three years ago in the States but struggled to find a foothold in the market. It wasn’t until she brought the product over to the UK that her business really took off. Two years on, it has turned over £1 million and is due to make another million this year alone. “I had the funds from OnlyFans to be able to invest and help it grow really quickly,” Charlotte said. “My financial freedom feels like a dream that will end soon, but I’ve got a taste for it now so I constantly strive to be better. “I’ve got a portfolio of properties that I look after as well as my supplements and my OnlyFans pages, so I have enough on my plate and need to remind myself not to be greedy sometimes.” Charlotte has two pages on OnlyFans – a free page that serves as a “taster” for potential fans, and a subscription page. She has made £900,000 on the paid page and £415,000 on the free page – the majority of which has been made since taking the site more seriously in late 2018. Her favourite part about the site is having the freedom to be her own boss and get creative with her content. “When I was modelling, I’d always be told what to wear in the shoots and how to pose, so I like the fact that my page is just me having creative control,” Charlotte said. “The hardest part is the competition – there are always girls at your heels wanting to get to the place you are at. “Some people think it’s easy money and you just have to post a few nudes, but they don’t see how many hours a day I’m hustling. “As far as I know, I’m the highest earning person that does what I do with the boundaries I have in place, and I make sure I’m always working to deserve that.” Pictured: Charlotte Rose,Image: 596006683, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -AUS, -RUS, -GBR, Model Release: no

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Cum reușește să câștige atâția bani? Ei bine, ea a început să-și facă fotografii în lenjerie intimă, iar ulterior a fost contactată pentru a deveni model de lenjerie.

Mai mult de atât, ea a fost una dintre cele 100 de femei alese de reprezentanții platformei OnlyFans pentru a-și face un cont. Se întâmpla în 2016, iar tânăra a acceptat fără să ezite.

La început, ea a pozat în ipostaze ”cuminți” și a pus preț pe discuțiile cu clienții ei. Doi ani mai târziu, în 2018, ea a decis să-și schimbe modul de abordare. A început să petreacă 16 ore pe zi pe pagina respectivă, iar veniturile ei au crescut de la 10.000 la 150.000 de dolari pe lună.

”Toată lumea crede că OnlyFans înseamnă doar conținut adult - și nu am nimic împotriva lui, dar personal nu fac acest gen de conținut. Multe fete sunt șocate de faptul că obțin atâția bani fără să fac prea multe sacrificii în fața camerei.” a declarat Rose, potrivit The Sun.

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”Pagina mea e foarte cuminte, dar funcționează pentru că e de nișă, multe pagini sunt mult prea îndrăznețe, însă mie îmi place să fiu diferită. Pun preț pe jocuri și pe vorbit la cameră de parcă aș avea tipul respectiv în fața mea. De cele mai multe ori vorbim despre fanteziile lor, dar și despre ei. E important să-ți construiești relații cu fanii. Știu cum îi cheamă pe copiii lor, ce joburi au și dacă au avut o zi proastă și, dacă au o zi așa, le trimit o înregistrare cu vocea mea și poze cu animalele mele, să îi binedispun.”, a mai povestit tânăra care se mândrește cu un Lamborghini de culoare mov, pentru care a plătit nu mai puțin de 265.000 de lire sterline.

Credit foto: Profimedia Images

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